“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

Last week, I spoke to a group of wellness enthusiasts about achieving goals. The infamous question emerged—how do I stay motivated?

It is a great question. I have certainly struggled with staying motivated and being on target with achieving goals, especially weight loss.

I have experienced cycles of healthy habits followed by a complete abandonment of such practices.

On again. Off again. For years.

How do I stay motivated? I can relate very well to this question.

I have learned over time that it boils down to a few things: namely ownership, awareness and accountability.

Ownership is critical.

Your goal may be a career, relationship, health or financial aspiration. Regardless, it must be something you truly desire. It needs to be a burning sensation inside of you.

Ownership goes beyond the question of “what do I want” to “why does this matter to me?” or “how badly do I really want this?”

It is easy to set goals and let them sit on the surface. In these instances, the goal is a nice to have rather than a must have. It is neither important nor urgent.

Therefore, it does not become a priority.

It remains on your wish list, day after day and week after week.

When your goal is a must have, however, you muster up the willpower to make it happen. You are focused on and committed to achieving your goal in spite of opposition.

You own the choices you make daily to work towards your goal. You understand the benefits of succeeding.

Awareness deepens your commitment.

Incumbent with achieving your goal is an awareness, not only of what you want, but also your thoughts, behaviors and even your environment.

Consider how poised and positioned you are for success.

Positive thinking and affirmations will boost your motivation level. Believing your goal is attainable makes the pursuit of success meaningful.

It also builds your confidence.

The more confident you are the greater your commitment is to success. The stronger your commitment is the more willpower you will possess.

The more willpower you exert … the greater your results.

Be aware that moments of doubt, temptation and negativity will occur. Resist those moments by guarding your thoughts and actions.

Focus on faith. Be positive. Believe.

Be aware of traps and distractions. Have a game plan for your known weaknesses so that you are prepared to overcome such hurdles when they arise.

Be aware of your habits. Know which ones to keep and which ones to change.

Be aware of your surroundings. It’s a good idea to have visual images or statements within eyeshot that reinforce your goal and provide inspiration to you.

Accountability increases your odds.

“Teamwork makes the dream work” is one of my favorite sayings. If you have been trying to achieve your goal alone, stop!

Find a partner or an affinity group to provide support.

Having an accountability partner raises your personal investment in achieving your goal. And now someone else is vested in your success.

You gain support in defining your goals and also tracking your progress.

Plus, an accountability partner will cheer you on and celebrate your wins along the way.

Another aspect of accountability is challenging you to press on. At times you may be discouraged or facing difficulties. You may even feel like throwing in the towel.

A committed accountability partner will remind you how important your goal is and help you hold the vision of success. They will not let you quit.

Instead, they help you rise to the occasion and move forward.
What advise do you have on staying motivated to achieve your goals? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.


untitled-3082.jpg  Evelyn Summerville
I write about living and leading with excellence