Words to live by. Those catchy, memorable phrases that shape our convictions, character and conduct. We gather them from books, people, articles and perhaps even TV shows.

In a split second we can recall a statement grilled into our minds by a parent, grandparent or mentor. “Common sense is not so common.” “Everyone has a story.” “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

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Some of these colloquialisms are useful. We hold them in reserve. We hear them echo in our heads in moments of critical decision making.

Other phrases seem ridiculous. We remember them. Yet we do not apply them.

Undoubtedly, we all have some words to live by. We collect them at various times and in different walks of life. We are always impacted by the words of others. Some of their words become our own.
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I love catchy phrases.

I get a chill when I’m sitting across from someone who makes a striking statement. Suddenly, I think … I want to remember that … let me write it down.

You might even catch me chuckle when I hear a favorite phase. It resonates with me. It stirs my soul. And maybe, just maybe, it empowers me.

Definitely, most definitely, it inspires me.

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A few months ago, I shared a success quote with a group of high school students. One of them e-mailed me to say she will apply this quote to her life and list of favorite quotes. A far better strategy than relying on memory alone.

A list can be revisited and quickly sourced when you need inspiration. If you do not have a list, I encourage you to begin one today.

Following are quotes from top global leaders. May you be inspired by these words and adopt them as your own.

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1. “Let your joy be in your journey – not in some distant goal.” ~ Tim Cook

Happiness and joy are available right now. Learning to appreciate the good and the beautiful in your daily life leads to greater fulfillment. Delaying gratification has its place, but not when it comes to joy. There is joy in the journey. You’ll recognize it when you look for it.

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2. “It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.” ~ Warren Buffet

We can all be a better person. Having role models and quality friends in our inner circle will strengthen our character. Actions and attitudes are contagious. That is why it is important to surround yourself with positive people who you want to be like.

3. “Whatever you decide to do, do it with passion and all of the energy you have.” ~ Mary Barra

A job for the sake of work can be a heavy burden. It may be an occupation, but is it your vocation? Find out what really makes you tick and feel alive. Build on that passion for a meaningful career and life.

4. “I’m not asking you to be tolerant of each other. Tolerance is for cowards. Understand each other.” ~ Randall L. Stephenson

Tolerance can lead to silence. Silence can harbor resentment. The key to successful relationships is to understand each other’s unique point of view.  In healthy relationships, there is always enough room for you to be yourself and express yourself authentically.

5. “What’s dangerous is not to evolve.” ~ Jeff Bezos

Let’s face it … you either grow and evolve or you become extinct. Nothing is intended to stay the same. Take risks. Step outside of your comfort zone. Level up. A new, exciting world awaits you.

6. “We’re always skating to wherever the puck is going.” ~ Lowell C. McAdam

Winners know to move forward and head toward success. For this to happen, it is imperative to have vision and clarity on your end goal. Review your goals and progress daily to confirm you are on the right track.

What is your favorite quote from a business leader? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.


untitled-3082.jpg  Evelyn Summerville
I write about living and leading with excellence