“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” ~ Pablo Picasso

A few years ago, my girlfriend Lorna and I were chatting about our jobs and ministry experiences. We both agreed that service to church and community were gratifying engagements. Work was the fuel for living our desired lifestyle.

Ministry, now that, was the fun stuff we anticipated with joy. It was meaningful. Purposeful. Significant.

It was the fuel for making a difference in the world.

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For many people their work and purpose are interlocked. For others they are disparate tracks. Days are often lived pouring hours into work and squeezing in time for one’s purpose.

It’s a balancing act. Work. Serve. Achievement. Contribution.

But what if your work and purpose were congruent? How it is that some people are so well aligned in this area while others feel like a fish out of water?

What steps can you take to be in balance and live out your life purpose?

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If you are asking yourself these questions, you are not alone. As a coach, I frequently hear from people who want to know the meaning of their life. People who want to make a career change that is tied to their passions. People who desire more fulfillment.

And I have been in your shoes. When I left my corporate career in 2014, the big question was “what am I going to do now?” It was closely followed by “how can I have more fulfillment” and “what is my legacy?”

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This is where it begins.

Asking and answering key questions, I was able to unravel the mystery of my life’s purpose with the support of my family and friends. Plus, I spent lots of quiet time mediating on my past and identifying my future aspirations.

Working with a coach, I was empowered to embark on the greatest advantage of my life. I stepped out of my comfort zone. I began to dream about a better future.

Most of all, I truly began to live my best life—with purpose and intention.


This can be your story. If you want to discover your purpose and live more fulfilling life, here are some steps you can take.

1. Read books or watch videos: There are many books, articles, videos and even podcasts about discovering your life purpose. Each of these contain exercises or suggestions on how you can identify your purpose, your passion and your skills.

2. Talk to your family and friends: Gather up the people closest to you and ask them to describe you and your interests. Have them name the topics and activities that excite you and those you avoid.

3. Take a course or workshop: Many coaches offer online courses and live workshops providing a framework for you to discover your purpose and develop an action plan. My Blueprint for Success program is a perfect example.

4. Keep a journal: At the end of each day, reflect on what you enjoyed most about the day and what you would do differently in a journal. Review your responses at the end of the week. Identify patterns and similar themes for clues into your life purpose.

5. Hire a coach or spiritual advisor: A trained professional can work wonders in helping you to discover your purpose. A coach or advisor guides you through exercises while challenging your thoughts, many of which are limiting beliefs. And this person becomes your accountability partner.

What steps have you taken to discover your life purpose? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.

Evelyn Summerville
I write about living and leading with excellence