“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
2 Corinthians 9:8

Abundant living is a powerful concept. At first blush, it may elude to being financially wealthy. The truth is … living an abundant life is not about wealth. It is about mindset.

It is not about what you have. It is about what you believe and perceive.


I was teaching a course on intentional living a few years ago. We were having a lively discussion about scarcity and abundance using a “slice of pie” analogy. The question was posed, “What would you do with the last slice of pie … eat it yourself or give it to your partner?”

Two options. One would win and one would lose. One would delight in the tasty pie and the other would completely miss out on its deliciousness.

But wait … are these the only options?


Someone said I will cut the slice in half and share. There is a enough for both of us. Another said, I would bake or buy another pie. This is not the only pie and it is not the last pie on Earth.

There is an abundance. There is more. And it is available to me.


It was in this moment, I realized that for quite some time I was operating from a scarcity point of view. There was not enough … of anything.

I thought and believed resources were limited. I functioned as if I better get what is mine … now. If not,  I risked missing out on having something great if not grandeur in my life.

I remembered the saying that started to shift my thinking … God is the source, everything else is just a resource.


A subtle suggestion that instead of relying on my abilities to acquire things or resolve difficult situations, that I should look to the Lord—the one who helps and desires to grant my wishes.

God. He alone provides for all of our needs. The God of love, grace and mercy. He is also the God of goodness and solutions. Our Heavenly Father is rich.

He is the richest of all.

Let me say again. Abundant living is not about financial gains. Neither are the riches of God’s Kingdom.

Abundant living is being aware of your blessings—be it time, treasure or talent—and the source of your blessings. Abundant living is having confidence that at this time right now you have everything you need and you have access to the one who provides.


Abundant living happens when you are tuned into the source and His will for your life. That means you understand your purpose and passions. It also happens when you are content in your circumstances and trust God’s plan for your life.

Abundant living means you are grateful for every opportunity. It also means that you use every opportunity to accomplish good deeds which produce good outcomes.

Most of all abundant living means knowing and never forgetting that God provides.

What does abundant living mean to you?  Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.


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Evelyn Summerville
I write about living and leading with excellence