I really admire leaders who instantly connect with people. They have a natural ability to make you feel special, valued and important.

Not only do they see you, it’s as if they see deep inside of you … perhaps even through you.

They believe in you. They treasure you. They love you.

Before you know it, you’re smiling and leaning into the conversation. You are uplifted and encouraged. You are ready to tackle the challenges of the day. You are confident.

I’ve been blessed to have several such leaders. They have influenced my character as well as my leadership style and impact.

These leaders know the meaning of love. Plus, they understand it’s importance in the workplace.

They are bold and bodacious in loving their team members. They insist on creating meaningful connections and relationships ahead of generating business results.

They know how to win with people by loving the people they lead.

To improve your leadership effectiveness, practice the following love techniques…

Listen with your heart. The empathetic leader recognizes and shares other people’s feelings. In conversation, this leader tunes into words, expressions and emotions.

They seek a deeper meaning than what is on the surface.  They create a safe space for people to open up and express their thoughts and concerns.

Offer your very best. There is an old adage that “any job worth doing is worth doing well.” Leaders who win with people are committed to excellence.

They aspire to lead with integrity and moral authority.

These leaders are also self-aware, playing to their strengths while leveraging the strengths of others to compensate for any shortcomings. They are relentless in doing good.

Validate the talents and ideas of others. Taking time to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of your team members is a winning leadership strategy.

Public accolades is one of the most regarded recognition strategies.

Simply put, leaders who give credit to others for their efforts create healthy work environments. The results are engaged and fulfilled employees, collaborative teamwork and high performance.

Enlarge and empower your team members. Leaders who invest in the personal and professional development of others are grooming their potential. Each of us has the ability to be more and do more.

On the job learning with effective mentoring and coaching are guaranteed ways to help your employees achieve their growth goals.

Individuals who are consistently developing become more confident in their abilities, execute with greater success and become highly proficient persons.

They maximize their true potential due in part to effective leadership.
In this way, everyone wins at work.

What attributes do you admire in a leader? What other strategies can leaders use to win at work? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.


untitled-3082.jpg  Evelyn Summerville
I write about living and leading with excellence


Categories: Leadership