What is effective leadership? It may be difficult to pin down a definition. But it is certainly easy to recognize effective leadership.

One way to define effective leadership is allowing people to get to know you, believe in you and, ultimately, go along with you towards a shared vision and common goals.

Leaders achieve results through their team members. The best way to accomplish this is by serving people, not self.

Leadership is a perpetual learning process. It improves with experience and acquired knowledge. Effective leaders hone their skills and raise the level of their leadership daily.

While the word leadership itself only has one “I”, here are five areas you can leverage to elevate your leadership skills — your service to others.

1. Insight

Leaders should not confuse information for insight.

Information can be statements, facts or emotions. Information is often what appears on the surface.

Insight is digging deeper into the information for its meaning and value. It allows you to see into the words, numbers and emotions with an x-ray like vision. Then you can extract what is essential for the task at hand.

Leaders with insight are curious. They probe and brainstorm to answer key strategic questions … What does this really mean? Why does this matter? What are the implications?

2. Integrity

Leaders with integrity have congruent beliefs and actions. They not only say what they mean and mean what they say — these leaders do what they say.

It is imperative for leaders to have a code of righteousness to be successful.

This does not mean that leaders are right all of the time. Nor it is a pass to be arrogant or egotistical. It is however a clarion call for leaders to know and do the right thing in the right places at the right time.

Integrous leaders are authentic, honest and courageous. They are guided by a strong moral compass to say and do what is just against all odds.

3. Intentionality

Leadership is not willy nilly. It is intentional. Purposeful. Deliberate.

Successful leaders are strategic. They set and work diligently to achieve compelling goals. They are in it for the long haul.

Being intentional helps a leader to focus and to be flexible. The best laid plans have shortcomings and are subject to revision. As the saying goes, “if the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.”

Intentional leaders hold the vision. They never lose sight of the end goal.

4. Influence
A popular John Maxwell saying is “leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.”

Influence is a person’s ability to affect the thoughts and actions of another person.

Effective leaders are masters at influencing people. They know how to build trusting relationships. They are empathetic and caring, yet direct and daring.

Influential leaders value people above things. They create environments where people are empowered in their work and passionate about their jobs.
They encourage engagement. They foster loyalty. They uplift the team.

5. Impact
Leadership impact is the ability to change the environment and the people for the greater good. Impact is transformation. It is a desired, positive result.

Leaders who impact others are often mentoring and coaching. They are investing in the growth and success of their team members. They openly share their wisdom as well as their lessons learned in prior experiences.

Effective leaders are also thinking about the outcome of their actions on others. How will this benefit the team? How will the people feel and react to the experience or decision?

The five essential I’s of leadership are insight, integrity, intentionality, influence and impact. Commit to developing in one of these areas to become a more effective leader.

What is your definition of effective leadership? What word would you add to this list? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.
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