“You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

I have a hectic schedule. I bet that statement resonates with you.

It seems to be the norm. We are busy. It doesn’t mean we are productive or effective with our days. We are simply busy.

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Chances are you’re running on fumes and feel rather depleted by mid-day. You’re an empty cup.

It’s just the way it is.

Do you really believe that? It’s just the way it is.

Consider, are you running your week or is your week running you? You are the captain of your life! It’s time to reclaim your power and authority.

2018 is my reset year. I’ve been in a zany spin cycle the past four years. Demands coming from all directions. Days blurring together. Sleepness nights. Weary moments. Zany. Exhausting.

Can you feel me?

Now is the time for me to pump the brakes, slow life down and live with intentionality more than ever.

Zany as they were, these years gave me a marvelous gift. The discovery of myself and my life purpose. It’s from this lens I now view time, set goals, establish priorities and take action.

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I’m determined to make 2018 my best year ever. To do so, I must be the captain of my life and honor myself day in and day out. It’s the only way I’ll be able to live out my mission of empowering others.

As a trainer, coach and speaker, my primary task is to pour knowledge and encouragement into others. It’s a sacred demand with a sacred trust.

The saying is true. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

This year I will ensure that I am replenished daily so my cup can continually overflow. This is my sole commitment to myself. Replenish. Revive. Rejuvenate.

Here are a few habits that will keep me on course:

Early to bed and early to rise. I’m my best self with at least 7 hours of sleep. It’s lights out at 10:30 am. Then it’s rise and shine at 5:30 am to maximize my day.

Spiritual and personal growth practices. My morning begins with a devotional reading, prayer and meditation. I read a variety of articles and books for personal growth. And I have a handful of favorite podcasts. I also enjoy winding down with 30 minutes of reading each day.

Positive self talk. I use affirmations to build my confidence and boost my self image. The stories we tell ourselves are the ones we live out. Positive words ensure a positive life with positive results.

Proper nutrition and exercise. I have a sweet tooth and it can be my downfall. A healthy eating plan and consistent exercise routine provide the proper fuel and energy for me to be my personal best. 

Mindfulness and mindless breaks. I take time throughout the day for deep thinking and concentration. I even take time to relax, watch silly shows and videos or just gaze out the window. Let’s not forget puzzles, video games and apps are great escapes.

What tips do you have for personal rejuvenation and optimization? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.