I witnessed something amazing this weekend. A ribbon cutting ceremony for a newly remodeled neighborhood park.

The best part is … it is my neighborhood park.

This excites me.

I witnessed the slow decline if not decaying of my city.  Vacant homes. Barren neighborhoods. Desolate streets.

Now I get to see and experience its rebirth. Detroit — America’s great comeback city.

The riots of 1967 forever changed Detroit. Recent documentaries and films commemorate the 50th anniversary of those riots. They also resurface sensitive racial and civil rights issues that have been tucked away in the quiet historical archives of our minds.

National newspapers and magazines are flooded with stories highlighting the revitalization of downtown with sports arenas, restaurants, headline fashion stores and so much more.

Meanwhile, the neighborhoods are waking up. Restoration projects, new home purchases, home improvements … it’s all the buzz and then some.

Yes, it is exciting. Detroit is making a comeback.

And this weekend, a group of neighbors gathered to give thanks for a blessing. An updated park. A symbol that God really does makes all things new. And the righteous are never forsaken.

Neighbors gathered to celebrate because they demanded and waited. They hoped and prayed until something happened. Neighbors gathered together.
Neighbors who …

  • have lived on this block for nearly 50 years
  • raised their children on this street
  • maintained their property keeping the lawns well manicured and the exteriors in good condition
  • knocked on doors inviting you to the community or block club meeting
  • took you in as family on the Fourth of July
  • cut your lawn when you could not
  • shoveled your snow so you could get to work on time
  • gave you advice when tree roots were backing up the pipes
  • watched your home when you were out of town
  • asked about your mom and dad
  • called you when you left your garage door open
  • checked on you when your house alarm went off
  • loved you from the bottom of their heart

I love my neighborhood and my neighbors. I hope I’ve been as good a neighbor to them as they have been to me.
What do you like about your neighbors? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.