“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning and focused effort.” – Paul J. Meyer

I was picking up my favorite breakfast sandwich at Panera Bread. An upbeat lady with a beautiful smile says, “I love your dress. It’s great for a white party. I’d like to have one, but summer is almost over.”

A reasonable statement when you live by the fashion rules. The social norm is to wear white head to toe between Memorial Day and Labor Day.

It’s what Carla said next that really caught my attention, “I’m not ready for summer to end. I didn’t accomplish everything I wanted to this summer.”

Well, I was both startled and intrigued by her statement. I have a handful of reasons why I’m not ready for summer to end like the temperatures are cooler, there is less daylight, and so on.

I hear you, girl. But I can’t relate.

We talked for a few minutes about lofty aspirations, overwhelming to-do lists and childhood dreams. My lingering thought was to enjoy my days and seasons and move forward from one to the next with no regrets.

At one time in my corporate career there were too many projects and tasks on my to-do list. There were also too many priorities and expectations in my life.

I was operating at 100% superwoman trying to do it all.

My days were long and exhausting. I had a perpetual sense of being buried under these tasks. It was a daunting feeling. I realized I needed to shut down superwoman. It was imperative for me to be true and kind to myself.

I have since learned the delightful truth of less is more.

I set 7 goals for the year. Three are stretch goals or what some would call a big hairy audacious goal. The goals are prioritized and I focus on three each quarter.

I work on 7 projects at a time. Three large complex projects and four small ones that can be tackled in less than a week.

I have 3 big action items for each day. The action items are connected to my projects and my goals. I focus on one task at a time until is it complete. I minimize distractions, but I do take social breaks as needed. I mean all work and no play is – “yawn” – boring.

And I feel better. I have a greater sense of accomplishment.  Most of all, I have no regrets.

Summer, fall, winter, spring … bring it on. I got this.

What is your perspective on “less is more?” What strategies do you have in place to achieve your goals? Please share your thoughts in the comments section, I’d love to hear from you.

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